Ready to join your first spin class? Here’s what you need to know.

You’ve probably seen it all over Instagram. High-intensity, music-based workouts such as spin cycling have been on the rise in the last couple of years and it’s easy to see the appeal. Sure, it may be fast-paced (and you’d probably feel like death afterwards if you’re a newbie), but it’s straightforward (no specific skills needed), not to mention really fun as the music pumps you up and motivates you to do more. Thinking about taking your first indoor cycling class? Spin Instructor Amalina Anuar from Club Aloha dishes these tips:

Show up early

“Always give yourself 20 minutes buffer before entering class cause you will need help and time to set up your bike properly. Don’t be shy and ask someone to assist you.”

Eat light before your workout

“It will be a fast-paced cardio workout where you’ll be working your full body from head to toe, from your arms to your core, and especially your legs, so you definitely need to feel energised. Since it’s a 45-minute workout, my advise is to have a light meal beforehand, but that really depends on that person’s body. I’ve seen people eat a big breakfast and those who don’t even eat at all. But for your first class, have something light like a banana smoothie, an hour before. I’d eat a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast.”

Image provided by Amalina Anuar

It’s important to hydrate

“Always bring a water bottle with you! I’ve seen people come into class confidently not bringing a water bottle because they think that they can handle it. But no. Since you’re going to be working out hard, you always need to hydrate yourself, no matter what.”

Do not forget to breathe

“Practise your breathing. I always say this in my class: breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth because that’s the proper way to control your breathing whenever you’re ‘spinning’. If you breathe through your mouth, you might lose energy, and perhaps pass out. I’ve seen scenarios in a class where people actually forget how to breathe and they feel faint. So take your time. I’m just there to guide, motivate and push you to do your very best. It’s not a competition so do not look at anyone else. Focus on yourself. And gradually, you’ll sit from back row to front row, who knows?”

Image provided by Amalina Anuar

Listen to your body

“If you need to sit down, then sit down. And if you feel you want to slow it down, just do it; no one’s judging you. The session is for you; think of it as a form of self-pampering. It all comes down to knowing who your instructor is, so my advise is to try out different classes and instructors. Find out what their music is like as it all comes down to a great playlist. So if their playlist fits your vibe, then their class might just be the one for you. If I don’t fit with that person’s music, then I’m not gonna enjoy it because when it comes to spin, it’s actually a really fun workout if you enjoy it. You get to break a sweat and dance on your bike, which is really amazing if you think of it.”

Sign up to Amalina’s class by checking Club Aloha’s schedule here.

Main header and featured image: People photo created by javi_indy –