The combo of humidity and face masks make the perfect pimple breeding ground. Here’s how you can you breaking out from your face mask.

Illustration by Yasmin Jamil

It’s been only 14 days since the second time zero local COVID-19 transmission cases was reported in Malaysia and it seems that we’ve already put our guard down. Yesterday, it was announced that two new clusters had been found so it’s more important than ever to #WearADamnMask. Yes, even if you find it suffocating. And even if your skin is breaking out around your mouth and chin. ‘Maskne’ is the condition where acne occurs from long hours of mask-wearing. What happens is that your skin is aggravated by friction and isn’t able to ‘breathe’ properly. But worry not! There are ways you can avoid breaking out from your face mask. Instead of going out without a mask, put some effort in takcling the causes of breakout with these steps.

Pick skin-friendly cloth masks

Image: @baeverlyheels

Aside from helping Mother Earth out, wearing a reusable cloth face mask is good for keeping pimples at bay. For instance, there’s a reason why you always hear the term ‘feels like silk on the skin’ when it comes to skincare, that’s cos silk literally feels so good on the skin. It’s smooth, gentle and contains naturally hypoallergenic properties, which makes it extra effective if you’ve allergies. Tightly-woven cotton is also a good, breathable fabric option that is softer than synthetic fabrics.

Cleanse throughly

Image: Foreo LUNA 3

If you’re already required to go back to work, being out and about will cause bacteria, pollutants and dead skin cells to pile up underneath the mask. So make sure you execute the most important step of skincare, which is cleansing, correctly. Using a gentle facial cleansing device like the FOREO LUNA 3 (RM920) helps remove up to 99.5% oil and dirt that might lead to clogged pores and the formation of blemishes.

Moisturise generously

Your skin is prone to dryness and irritation from the friction of your mask so it’s important to restore moisture levels back into your skin as hydration is what allows the skin to function at its peak performance. As explained by dermatologist Dr Adeline Kikam on Health, look for these ingredients when picking out your moisturiser – ceramide to replenish the skin barrier, hyaluronic acid to increase hydration within the skin, and niacinamide to soothe and reduce redness.

Skip your foundation

It goes without saying that foundation can clog the pores so if you don’t need it, go without it (you’re wearing a mask anyway!). And if you think you need it, switch to a lightweight option or a powder foundation so your skin isn’t suffocated under that mask. Remember to not touch your face!

Soothe tired skin

Image: @nuriabeauty

When your day is done and dusted, soothe and condition stressed skin with a different type of face mask – a skincare one – to instantly revive and rejuvenate your face. Look for ones containing key ingredients like hyaluronic acid and shea butter to moisturise and chamomile and aloe vera to soothe and calm irritated or inflamed skin.

Main image: Taylor Hernandez/Unsplash